Innovative Veterinary Specialist Support for GP Vets and Pet Owners.
VetSpoke LTD is a platform that is transforming the way veterinary care is delivered. By connecting general practitioner vets with multidisciplinary veterinary specialists, VetSpoke has revolutionized how complicated cases are handled, enabling vets to deal with them right from their clinics.
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At Cloudwork Ltd, we take pride in creating customer-focused, minimal web applications that are accessible and easy to use. When VetSpoke LTD approached us to develop a new website and web app for their growing business, we were thrilled. Our challenge was to design and build a user-friendly interface that simplifies the consultation process and enhances communication between customers and veterinary specialists.

Project Background

Our goal was to facilitate VetSpoke's mission by leveraging our experience in building web applications suitable for both mobile and desktop use. We understood the importance of testing our interfaces with less-technical users to ensure accessibility and ease of use. This project was about more than creating a digital platform - it was about enhancing the user experience for every VetSpoke customer.

User-Centric Design

We followed the Material Design 2 guidelines, focusing on responsive design with high contrast text and buttons. Every design decision we made was with the end-user in mind, ensuring that the application was not only functional but also intuitive and visually appealing.


The choice of technologies was crucial for the success of the project. We chose Angular because it's suitable for enterprise applications that need to be reliable. Recent updates to Angular have made it a more favourable framework for such projects. For the payment platform, we used Stripe, which offers a consistent and familiar payment method for customers. This helped minimise bugs and issues in the payment process, a complicated section in many apps.


One of the standout features of the VetSpoke app is the e-consultation feature. We used Websockets to facilitate two-way communication between the web app and the server, enabling fluid and fast updates as messages are received. The multi-page stepper form we developed when booking a consultation is customised to the specific consultation type, providing the consultation specialist with all the necessary details.

Challenges and Solutions

One of the significant challenges we faced during the development process was building a permissive user system. We chose the Ory Network for its developer-friendly APIs and SDKs and user-friendly features such as magic links. The project also allowed us to further develop the Cloudwork platform, with pre-built components and libraries for integrating with Stripe and Ory.

Looking Ahead

While the app has just launched and we're awaiting user feedback, we're confident that VetSpoke will see growth in users and an increase in customer satisfaction due to the new app's design and functionality. We look forward to continuing our partnership with VetSpoke and can't wait to see how their community embraces these new tools.